2017 September, 21 1 minutes 2  Comments

You have bought a turban with ribbons of Christine Headwear, and don't know how to wear it?

No problem: if your turban is with long tapes (basic, long) you just follow the instructions below to secure the turban depending on your size, to obtain a volume effect and create beautiful patterns.

You have to tie the turban on the back

1. Posiziona il turbante sulla testa con i nastri posti sulla schiena;

2. Incrocia i due nastri dietro la schiena, poi afferrali e falli passare sulla fronte, riprendendoli dal lato opposto;

3. Fissa i due nastri dietro la schiena con un nodo.


Annodare il turbante sul lato del viso

1.Place the turban on the head with the tape placed on the back;

2. Get the tape right and go over the front (if you want to tie the turban on the left side);

3. Take the ribbon and tie a knot in between the two tapes, make a double knot for safety;

4. Pass the tape on the left (the long one) around the node that is created with a double ring;

5. Fixed to the tape by passing it inside the "loop" that is created;

6. Tighten the knot and adjust the turban on the head.


You've seen how easy it is to tie a turban Christine? Discover all the models with long belts available on our site!

2  Replies


2016 June, 07

Really appreciate you sharing this forum post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged. Colina


2015 July, 12

Volevo vedere come si fanno i fiocchi nel lato…tipo quei rosoni che vedo indissate alla modella, perché i video che mi avete mandato non lo spiegano grazie mille “Rosalba”.

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